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 Microgame Research


I picked Packman because it was my childhood game I used to play a lot and I really like the sounds in that game its just so nostalgic to hear them the game was simple and easy to understand and play I want to make a game that is easy and also fun to play like Packman.

Wario Ware Me
I have never played this game but I've seen youtubers play the game it looks really fun it has a lot of levels and each level is really unique this game makes want to try and make level deferent from each other so the player doesn't get bored.

Rhythm Heaven
I've never played rhythm heaven but I've seen a lot of content creators play this game this game is all about timing and its mainly all about music each level has a rhythm which the player has to hit on time if he doesn't then he loses. 
This is the start of the trello board of my team.

Our game is going to be about a guy who throws trash and he needs to throw the right trash in the right bin so if he has plastic he needs to put it the plastic one if he has paper he will need to but it in the paper bin and the last one is metal. The game will speed up the longer your in the game you can bounce the trash of walls to make it entertaining for the player.

Microgame Mood Board

  1. Player
  2. throwable items 
  3. paper
  4. metal
  5. plastic
  6. bins
  7. background
  8. throwing sounds
  9. throwing animation
  10. wall react sound
  11. bin hit sound
  12. fail sound and complete sound

Me and my team have made a storyboard and made some pixelated bins for the game but then we changed our minds now we are making it in 3d.

We have updated the Trello board so now everyone has something to do am currently doing the buildings for the map but for some reason my building got deleted and its now gone but I did take a picture of it when I was starting off it was a really nice looking building but know I have to start over.

 This is one of my buildings that I've just finished I plan to make more for the map I will make the buildings look better I did kind of rushed this one. 


Just finished another house I think it look's a lot better then the first one I did but more detail in this time but I need to keep making the map so we can start coding for the game.


This is the updated version of trello I am still certainly making the map I cant really make it because these pc cant run unreal so its really hard to make any progress.




Made a nice simple wall for the alleyway for the game.

I had some trouble when putting models in unreal because I forgot to change the names of the textures so when I exported it to unreal the two models had the same textures which they shouldn't have put I have fixed it by changing the names in Maya. 


